Christine Cloutier ART

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Convergence and A New Era Paintings Release

When I started those two paintings last year; CONVERGENCE and A NEW ERA, I wasn't able to finish them completely. I didn't know exactly what the paintings were about, and I didn't have a name for them yet until the end of last year.

In December, I heard the word 'convergence' and 'a new era' later when I was about to finish my second painting. I feel very blessed to release those two paintings.

I am convinced that in the NEW ERA that we are in, we will see things as we have never seen before to bring alignment, CONVERGENCE, and Divine order through the great shaking that the world is going through.

As we all know, the world was turned upside down in 2020, and we have seen things that happened in Canada and in the world that we never imagined could have happened so fast. The world was taken by surprise, but not God!

God is wanting our attention during that shaking process, and He is able to use bad things and turn them for the good. Yeah! This is very encouraging and hopeful.

We need to choose to trust Him and come back to the essentials, declutter our minds and let go of the things that hold us back. Things are temporary and our spirit is eternal.

Let's come back to the essential. Let's make 2021 a year of Breakthrough and Miracles for our families and friends that will change us eternally!