I grew up immersed in a world of music. My father, a charismatic lead singer and drummer in his band, filled our home with rhythms and melodies. Those childhood days when he held band rehearsals in our basement were my favourites; I'd eagerly grab the microphone and sing my heart out. Expressing myself through dance and music was my early passion.

However, my teenage years brought a personal crisis that temporarily dimmed my creative spark. Music took a backseat in my life during that challenging period.

It was only after many years, following my marriage, that I rediscovered my musical calling. I began writing my own songs and sought the guidance of a vocal coach to understand my vocal range and technique better. I occasionally sang solo at church events and even joined a semi-professional gospel choir in Montreal for a year. I even recorded a single of my own writing in a professional studio. Yet, I was still searching for my unique musical identity amid a sea of voices.

Around 2001, a serendipitous moment changed my trajectory. I stumbled upon an advertisement for an art therapy workshop, initially signing up for six weeks, which I later extended. Little did I know that this workshop would profoundly transform my life. For the first time, I felt a deep connection with myself, a spiritual awakening, through the expression and movement of paint on paper. The abstract paintings I created brought forth memories from my past, offering me healing and newfound self-understanding. I realized that I couldn't wait until retirement to make painting a regular practice.

In the world of visual art, I discovered a connection with myself that music had never provided. My sensitivity to visual imagery became a conduit for my emotions and experiences.

It was only after the sale of our family business in 2008 that I wholeheartedly committed to abstract painting. I couldn't postpone my reunion with colours and creativity any longer. I began painting not only as a personal outlet, but also with the intention of sharing my artwork with others. My mission expanded beyond self-expression to inspire and empower others through my paintings and the messages they conveyed.

Without formal training in fine art, I leaned on my intuition and self-directed education, delving into a handful of design courses focused on colour theory. Thus, I evolved into a self-taught artist and entrepreneur in the world of art, embracing an ongoing journey of growth and discovery. My preference for abstract painting is a testament to my faith in the creative process, akin to letting go of control to bring forth something greater than my individual self.

While I paint, I tune into the inner voice that leads me, finding inspiration in the hues and images that harmonize with the essence within. Similar to life's absence of predetermined directives, abstract painting enables me to welcome uncertainty and place my trust in the voyage, mirroring my faith journey with God.

I invite you to join me on this artistic journey, to connect deeply with yourself and your heart through my art.