Rising Sun Painting Release

Here is one of my newest paintings, which is dear to my heart. It was inspired by the warm colours of a sunset, that I was admiring through my studio window. God often draws my attention to various colours and shapes of nature, as a mean to speak and reveal certain things to me. My first intention was to make a painting for women using pink, orange and white, without really knowing the meaning of this painting.


Rising Sun - Original Painting 2021


Not long after I finished to create RISING SUN, this painting revealed itself to me as a gift of life, to remind me of the return of my first son after 15 years of rebellion. His reconciliation with himself and with his Creator, and his return to the source of life, was one of my deepest desires that I did not think I would see come true in 2020.

His transformation and healing, for me represent the sun that rises after the darkness of the night, a refreshing balm on my heart as a mother. I am beyond blessed and fulfilled for what happened with my son. RISING SUN is not only a message to me, but it is also an encouragement to all parents who have a child who is lost in the distractions of life.

It is the hope of knowing that God hears your cries and will answer your prayers.

It's time for our children to be healed and to come back home.


The Blessing and The Abundance Paintings Release


NEW Spring Collections